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  • Writer's pictureMartin Ballard

Rock Cafe gets a warm welcome to the GigsList

We've only been back a little over a week, but already the requests are coming in to rejoin the GigsList Supporters...

We'd like to welcome Richard and his team to Monkey's GigsList - Rock Cafe has been home to many great nights out for all of us over the years, and we're delighted that they've made the step to come on board with the supporter's package.

Not wasting any time, we promoted the Pac Band for them last week and already we've got details of this week's gig which is going to be a popular one. The self acclaimed FUNKtion bank, Professor Fonque and the All-Stars are hitting the Rock Cafe at 10pm in what's sure to be a Friday night of fun to start the weekend off! Join them on Friday 15th Oct at Rock Cafe.

As well as being known for their gigs and great night's out, Rock Cafe has a lot more to offer too, from great drinks deals to save on the pocket to super Sunday lunches served from noon to set you up for a Sunday session, as well as food throughout the week too!

Check out all the details for Rock Cafe here, and make sure you follow them on facebook too - tell them the Monkey sent you ;-)

If you want your venue on here, and highlighted gigs every week, you can sign up with us for £150 for the year including VAT... £150 - that's less than two adverts with a lesser read publication #JustSayin - Drop an email to and we'll get you brought into the enclosure!

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