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  • Writer's pictureMartin Ballard

Submit your Gigs to the #GigsList - Just like Fiery Biscuits did!

Right folks, it's that time of week for all bands, venues or someone who randomly knows who's playing where to add their gigs to the #GigsList - If you're not one of the 100+ people who have signed up, you need to create an account here (it takes less than a minute!) and then simply add this week's gigs to the list... but don't stop there, if you want to get ahead you can as many gigs, as far ahead as you like as they'll all pop up in order as the time comes.

Then every Thursday, we'll screenshot the list - so if you've submitted your gig, you'll be on it... it's as simple as that!

Sign up and add your gigs here to appear instantly on the #GigsList

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